
解析:We all know that the most powerful

来源:网考网在职攻硕英语 所有评论

【分析解答题】We all know that the most powerful force in our lives is love. In addition to providing us with soul-warming companionship, the emotion of love is truly inspiring. Of course, the facts of our lives tell a somewhat sad story. We have a very hard time making love last. The divorce rate in the U.S. is still around 50 percent. That figure doesn’t even cover the many couples that live together without marriage and whose unions are even more likely to dissolve.Relationships fail because people have the misconception about what to expect in marriage. The fantasy is that everything will be wonderful as long as you find the perfect person –your missing half .But marriage is a team sport . It’s one team with two people , with two different minds . The difficulty is that these two people disagree all the time . They need to know nondestructive ways of expressing differences and must also be prepared for the inevitable disappointments that come from living with another person.
试题答案: 众所周知,生活中最强大的力量是爱。爱不但为我们提供温暖灵魂的陪伴,它也能真正地鼓舞人心。 当然,生活实例告诉我们了一个有点悲伤的故事。维持爱情非常艰难。美国的离婚率仍然在50%左右。这一数字甚至不涵盖许多没结婚就同居的夫妻,他们的结合更加容易解散。 关系之所以失败是因为人们对婚姻生活的期待存在误解。他们幻想这只要找到了完美人士——你所缺少的另一半,一切都将妙不可言。但是,婚姻其实是一个团队运动。该团队由两个不同的人和两种不同的想法构成。难点在于两人始终存在分歧。他们需熟知一些非破坏性的方式来表达差异,他们也必须做好和另一个人一起生活将会带来的不可避免的失望。 答案解析:暂无解析 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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