

来源:网考网在职攻硕英语 所有评论

【单选题】Christmas is the anniversary of the birth ofChrist, generally celebrated onDecember 25. It is one of the chief festivals of theChristian calendar and is (51) a social and family holiday.Christmas customs vary from (52) and among groups of different national (53) In most areas, however, homes and public places are (54) with evergreens,Christmas trees, (55) lights, and glittering ornaments. It is the busiest time of the year for merchants, and shops are filled (56) lavish displays and merchandise of all sorts. People sendChristmas cards and buy gifts for their families and friends.Children look forward to (57) SantaClaus. They (58) their stockings onChristmas (59) and onChristmas morning they discover the gifts that have been left for them during the night. In the afternoon, families gather to (60) presents and to share the traditionalChristmas dinner.
A、place to place
B、one to another place
C、a place to another place
D、one place to another place

表示圣诞习俗各处不同,要说vary from place to place,不带冠词的普通名词重叠使用是一种常用表达法,通常有多次重复或延续的含意。类似的表达法还有from one place to another, 但本题B、C、D三个选择项都是错的。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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