
解析:Customs officers at a London airpor

来源:网考网在职攻硕英语 所有评论

【单选题】Customs officers at a London airport yesterday found $500000 worth of drugs which were being smuggled intoBritain in boxes marked "Urgent Medical Supplies. " The (51) might have suspected for some time that the drugs were being brought into the country in this way. The (52) is believed to be the work of a well-organized international group. Four men were arrested at the airport and held for questioning, (53) it is unlikely that they are organizers. In fact, they declared that they were (54) of what the boxes contained and had acted in good faith in bringing (55) intoBritain. This is the third time in six months that attempts have been made to smuggle (56) goods throughCustoms by declaring them to be medical supplies. They are frequently (57) in special containers and a warning is given that they may be (58) if they are not handled with care. They are determined to put a (59) to this practice, said one of theCustoms officers today. (60) is no way these people are going to get away with this any longer. We have the full cooperation of the International Police who are as anxious as we are to track down the main source of supply.
A、operation B、behaviorC、movementD、development

[解析] A项operation意为“操作”;B项behavior意为“行为,举止”;C项movement意为“活动”;D项development意为“发展”。这句话的意思是:“据信这种活动是某个组织有序的国际贩毒集团干的”,故正确答案为C。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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