
解析:{{B}}Passage One{{/B}} His

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{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}

Historically, although the children of immigrants may have grown up bilingual and bicultural, many did not pass on much of their parents’ language or culture to their own children. Thus, many grandchildren of immigrants do not speak the language of the old country and are "American" by culture. However, in some parts of the country with established communities that share a common language or culture, bilingualism and biculturalism continue. This is particularly true in communities where new immigrants are still arriving. In general, cultural pluralism (多元化) is more accepted in the United States today than it was in the first half of the 20th century, and many of the school systems have developed bilingual programs and multicultural curriculA、
At the close of the 20th century, there seemed to be a rise in the consciousness of ethnic groups around the world, and a sense of pride in what makes them unique. This occurs in the United States among many different groups, and in some cases it has resulted in new names to symbolize each group’s identity. In the United States, people have become very sensitive to the language used to describe these groups, and they try to be "politically correct" (P.C、). For example, many blackAmericans, particularly young people, prefer the termAfrican-American instead of black, to identify with theirAfrican heritage. Some Spanish speakers prefer to be called Latinos (referring to LatinAmerica) instead of Hispanics, while others prefer to be identified by their country of originCuban-American orCuban,Chicano, Mexican-American or Mexican, and so on).
In spite of some very important differences, however, there is still a tie that bindsAmericans together. That tie is a sense of national identity—of "being anAmerican". Incidentally, when citizens of the United States refer to themselves asAmericans, they have no intention of excluding people from LatinAmerican countries. There is no word such as United Statesians in theEnglish language, so people call themselvesAmericans. Thus, what is really a language problem has sometimes caused misunderstandings.Although citizens of LatinAmerican countries may call the people in the United States NorthAmericans, to most people in the United States this makes no sense either, because the term NorthAmericans refer toCanadians and Mexicans as well as citizens of the United States. The wordAmerican, then, will be used in this text as the adjective and nationality for the people who live in the United States ofAmericA、
People who live in the United States ofAmerica prefer to be called ______ .A.United Statesians


细节题。根据最后一段,因为在英语中的“美国人”一词是Americans,没有United Statesians这个词,因此居住在美国的人称自己为Americans。B是正确答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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