
解析:{{B}}Passage Three{{/B}} Va

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【单选题】{{B}}Passage Three{{/B}}

Valentine’sDay is a festival of romance and affection. The holiday is an interesting combination of pagan (异教徒的) andChristian influences. Some of the day’s customs probably came from an ancient Roman holiday caned Lupercalia, Which honored Juno (wife of Jupiter, the goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth) and Pan (the God of nature).During the Lupercalia festival, young women dropped poems bearing their names into a large vase.Each young man picked a name from the vase to find his sweetheart for that year.
During the MiddleAges, church leaders wanted to relate this pagan holiday toChristianity, so they renamed it after aChristian saint and moved the holiday from February 15 to February 14, the feast day of St. Valentine. St. Valentine was a third-centuryChristian martyr, a young man who was imprisoned in Rome for refusing to worship pagan gods.According to legend, before Valentine was beheaded on February 14, he restored the eyesight of his jailer’s blind daughter. Then he sent her a farewell letter signed, "From your Valentine". This phrase is now a common expression of affection that appears on many of the holiday greeting cards.
Perhaps another reason that February 14 was picked as a holiday for lovers was that the ancient Romans believed that birds began to mate on this date.
In modern times, early in February of each year, card shops, drugstores, and department stores begin displaying a wide variety of greeting cards called valentines. Most of them are illustrated with the symbolic red heart, which stands for love. Many also show a picture ofCupid with his bow and arrow. Some valentines are very fancy--decorated with paper lace, scented satin, feathers, ribbons, or bows. Some contain affectionate verses, while others simply say, "Be my Valentine". There are special Valentines for various family members, sweet hearts, and friends. People sometimes send anonymous valentines to the persons whom they are in secret love with.
On that day, children usually buy packages of small, inexpensive valentines to give to classmates and teachers. Sweet-hearts and married couples may exchange more expensive cards, along with small gifts. Men often give red roses or chocolates wrapped up beautifully in red, heart-shaped boxes to their girlfriends or wives.
The best title for this passage is ______A.The Origin of Valentine’sDay
C.Valentine, a Love Festival
D.Be My Valentine


本文的前半部分是关于情人节的来历,但后半部分主要是关于情人节的庆祝活动,因此选择A或B都是以偏概全的。D项“做我的情人”更不正确,所以C项为正确答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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