
解析:D、H. Lawrence was the fourth child

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【单选题】D、H. Lawrence was the fourth child ofArthur Lawrence and LydiaBeardsall, and their first to have been born inEastwooD、Ever since their marriage in 1875, the couple had been on the move:Arthur’s job as a miner had taken them where the best-paid work had been during the boom years of the 1870s, and they had lived in a succession of small and recently built grimy colliery villages all over Nottinghamshire.But when they moved toEastwood in 1883, it was to a place where they would remain for the rest of their lives; the move seems to have marked a watershed in their early history.
For one thing, they were settling down.Arthur Lawrence would work atBrinsley colliery until he retired in 1909. For another, they now had three small children and Lydia may have wanted to give them the kind of continuity in schooling they had never previously haD、It was also the case that, when they came toEastwood, they took a house with a shop window, and Lydia ran a small clothes shop: presumably to supplement their income, but also perhaps because she felt she could do it in addition to raising their children. It seems possible that, getting on badly with her husband as she did, she imagined that further children were out of the question. Taking on the shop may have marked her own bid for independence.
Arthur’s parents lived less than a mile away, down inBrinsley, while his youngest brother Walter lived only 100 yards away from them in another company house, in Prince Street. When the family moved toEastwood,Arthur Lawrence was coming back to his own family’s center, one of the reasons, for sure, why they stayed there.
Lydia Lawrence probably felt, on the other hand, more as if she were digging in for a siege.Eastwood may have been home toArthur Lawrence, but to Lydia it was just another grimy colliery village which she never liked very much and where she never felt either much at home or properly accepteD、Her Kent accent doubtless made Midlands people feel that she put on airs.
Which of the following might be an image ofD、H. Lawrence’s mother in other people’s mind
A、mother who was quite amiable.

A、wife who was considerate.
C.An arrogant woman.
A、faithful wif


[解析] 本题的依据句是文章的最后一句“Her Kent accent doubtless made Midlands people feel that she put on airs.”由于Lydia有口音,所以当地人认为她装腔作势。put on airs的意思是“装腔作势”。和蔼可亲的母亲、周到细致的妻子、忠实的妻子都不正确,只有C项的意思“一个傲慢的女人”符合原意。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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