
解析:Metropolitan Museum ofArt

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Metropolitan Museum ofArt is located in New YorkCity. It is one of the largest and most {{U}} (1) {{/U}} art museums in the worlD、
In 1866 a group ofAmericans in Paris, France, gathered at a restaurant to {{U}} (2) {{/U}} theAmerican IndependenceDay.After dinner, John Jay, a {{U}} (3) {{/U}} lawyer gave a speech proposing to create a "national institution and gallery of art. "During the next four years, he {{U}} (4) {{/U}}American civic leaders, art collectors, and others to support the project, and in 1870 the Metropolitan Museum ofArt was founded, but it was {{U}} (5) {{/U}} in two different locations in New YorkCity. In 1880 the museum moved to its present location inCentral Park on FifthAvenue. Many additions have {{U}} (6) {{/U}} been built around this building. The north and south {{U}} (7) {{/U}} were completed in 1911 and 1913, {{U}} (8) {{/U}} Six additional wings have been built since 1975 to house the museum’s {{U}} (9) {{/U}} collections, to expand gallery space and educational {{U}} (10) {{/U}}.
The museum has collected more than three million objects in every known artistic {{U}} (11) {{/U}}, representing cultures from every part of the world, from ancient times to the present.
Popularly known as the Met, the museum is a private {{U}} (12) {{/U}}. The museum is one of the most popular tourist {{U}} (13) {{/U}} in the city and about five million people visit it each year. It is also a major educational institution, offering various programs for children and adults. {{U}} (14) {{/U}}, scholars of archeology and art history {{U}} (15) {{/U}} advanced research projects at the museum.


该句意为:北侧楼和南侧楼分别于1911年和1913年建成。wing指楼房的一侧。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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