
解析:Man: Can I borrow your Maths textb

来源:网考网在职申硕英语 所有评论

【单选题】 Man: Can I borrow your Maths textbooks I lost mine on the bus.
Woman: You have asked the right person. I happen to have an extra copy.
Question: What does the woman mean
A.She can find the right person to help the man.
B.She can help the man out.
C.She's also in need of a textbook.
D.She picked up the book from the bus floor.


[解析] 男士问女士,我能借用一下你的数学书吗我的落在公交车上了。女士回答说,你问对人了,我正好有多余的一本。从女士的回答可以看出,他可以借给男士一本数学书。故选B项。 查看试题解析出处>>


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