
解析:The government is to ban payments t

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【单选题】The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases (61) the trial of Rosemary West.
In a significant (62) of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the LordChancellor, will introduce a (63) bill that will propose making payments to witnesses (64) and will strictly control the amount of (65) that can be given to a case (66) a trial begins.
In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House ofCommons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he (67) with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not (68) sufficient control.
(69) of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a (70) of media protest when he said the (71) of privacy controls contained inEuropean legislation would be left to judges (72) to Parliament.
The LordChancellor said introduction of the Human RightsBill, which (73) theEuropeanConvention on Human Rights legally (74) inBritain, laid down that everybody was (75) to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families.


[解析] A项binding意为“有约束力的,有束缚力的,必须遵守的”;B项convincing意为“有说服力的,令人信服的”;C项restraining意为“遏制的,抑制的,控制的”;D项sustaining意为“用以支撑、支持、保持、维持、供养的,(对团体等)资助的,非营业性广播/电视节目的”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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