
解析:Woman: I wonder if you could sell m

来源:网考网在职申硕英语 所有评论

【单选题】Woman: I wonder if you could sell me the Psychology textbooks. You took the course last semester, didn’t you
Man:As a matter of fact, I already sold them back to the school bookstore.
Question: What do we learn from the conversation
A.The woman has to get the textbooks in other ways.
B.The woman has sold her used textbooks to the bookstore.
C.The man is going to buy his textbooks from a bookstore.
D.The man doesn’t want to sell his textbooks to the woman.


女士:“我想你能不能把心理学教材卖给我,上个学期你不是上过这门课了吗 ”男士: “事实上,我已经把书卖回学校的书店里了。”A项“女士不得不采取其他方式拿到教材 了。”根据题意男士将书卖了,所以女士不得不另找途径买书,所以A项符合题意。B项 “女士把使用过的教材卖给了学校的书店。”与题意相矛盾。C项“男士要去书店买教材。” 男士是将书卖给了书店,不是要买书。D项“男士不想把书卖给女士”与题意不符。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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