
解析:I’d been living with my wife for ei

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【单选题】I’d been living with my wife for eight years and one night. Morn says, "I guess you guys are never going to get marrieD、I mean, you’ve been through jail together, you’re living together, but…, oh, forget it."
"Oh, well," I said," put it like that and I’ll marry your daughter tomorrow."
Actually, I don’t know what we were waiting for, except that for a guy it’s never the right time to get marrieD、I’ m also suspicious of any two people who don’t struggle with that decision. Part of my problem was that I was still lusting in my heart after other ladies.But somehow I knew that I wasn’t going to find another woman remotely as great as my soon-to-be wife. It’s a good thing my mother-in-law finally spoke up.
I finally gathered my courage one day when we were having a picnic, and popped the question. I also gave my wife a big tourist pamphlet about SwitzerlanD、I wasn’t taking any chances.
She said no.
It killed me. I felt sick to my stomach. I lost my appetite. Our dog just stared at me, thinking, "If you’re not going to eat your lunch, I will." Finally, I said, "But the Switzerland trip is yours if you say yes."
"Switzerland , "she said, "is filled with precise, humorless people."
"Maybe I should have suggested Paris "
For a minute it seemed as if my change in travel plans would rate a solid "maybe".But she said no again. When we woke up the next morning, she told me that she’d slept on my proposal. "I guess I was a little rude to you last night," she explaineD、Meanwhile, I’m figuring I’m off the hook for this marriage thing for at least another eight years. I could afford to be generous.
"I asked, you said no. It’s okay," I saiD、I might have looked a little too relieved because later that day she gave me a little box. Inside was a gold watch. On the back was inscribeD、"Yes. I’ve reconsidereD、"
I liked the watch, so I did the right thing.
The last sentence "I did the right thing" implied he ______.A.traveled with his wife

B、had a successful marriage
C.liked the watch very much
D.waited for another eight years


从上段最后一句话“Yes,I’ve reconsidered.”中我们可以推理出,作者的妻子答应了他的求婚,所以这里的it 应该是指他们的婚姻。且A项文中没有涉及,C项仅从字面意思来看显然不对,D项与文意相悖,因为她已经答应求婚。故选B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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