
解析:Most parents prize the diversity wi

来源:网考网在职申硕英语 所有评论

【单选题】Most parents prize the diversity within their children’s public schools. They know that learning to cooperate and excel in a diverse, real-world setting is a key to success in the 21st-century workplace and marketplace.
But how "diverse" and "real-world" is a school that does not have any minority teachers The bad news today is that some 40 percent ofAmerica’s public schools have no teachers of color. The good news is that we have an opportunity to recruit and encourage moreAmericans of color to enter the teaching profession.And our success in doing so can have a powerfully positive impact on student achievement.
Obviously, a teacher’s effectiveness depends, first and foremost, on his or her skills and high expectations, not on the teacher’s color. Yet we also know that children of color—40 percent of the student population and rising—benefit in important ways by having some teachers who look like them, who share similar cultural experiences, and who serve as role models demonstrating that education and achievement are things to be respecteD、
Bear in mind that teachers do not teach only facts and "content". They also model appropriate behaviors and teach by personal example.And for many children, the teachers and other adults in their school are the most important authority figures outside of their home.
So it is important to expose children to a diverse teaching staff—and to diverse role models—within each of our schools. Where we have an urban school with an all-minority staff or a suburban school with an all-white staff, we are giving students a stunted educational experience.
Issues of diversity are especially relevant today, as public schools are redoubling their commitment to raising standards and closing achievement gaps. We need to seize every opportunity to boost the achievement of poor and minority students. I believe—and an impressive body of research confirms—that recruiting and retaining more minority teachers can be crucial to our success.
NEA、has made it a core strategic priority to increase the recruitment and retention of teachers of diverse backgrounds.Beyond NEA’s own programs, we are joining with other organizations to create the NationalCollaborative onDiversity in the Teacher Workforce.
But we can’t do it alone. States and school districts need to develop programs to assist teacher’s aides—large numbers of whom are minorities—to advance their education and become fully licensed teachers. Other programs can reach out to minorities still in school, offering encouragement and incentives to enter the teaching profession.At the same time, states must ensure that relevant tests do not bar promising minority candidates from entering the profession.
It can be learned from paragraph six that______.A.there are achievement gaps between majority and minority students
B.there are achievement gaps among poor and minority students
C.public schools are trying their best to bridge achievement among minority students
D.public schools are trying their best to widen the gaps among majority and minority students


[解析] 文章第六段的主要含义是“随着公立学校大力投入提高水准和缩小成绩差异的工作,多元化的问题如今尤其突出。我们应该抓住每一次机会提高那些贫穷的少数民族裔学生的成绩。我相信,招聘更多少数民族裔教师并使之维持下去对于我们的成功至关重要。”这段话的两个中心点分别为:少数民族学生与白人学生之间存在着学习成绩的差异,政府正致力于弥补这种差异。故选A项。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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