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【单选题】{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}

When I was home inBritain on holiday last summer, I spent an evening looking at photos my father had taken when he stayed with us inBeijing in the spring of 1966. Of all these interesting scenes of the past, the one I exclaimed at was a photo ofChangAn Jie at Tiananmen. The photo showed one car and two bicycles!
This made me reflect on the changes that have transformedBeijing since I came to the city 37 years ago. In those days, the bicycle was king. What sheer joy it was to cycle along with the hundreds (not thousands) of fellow pedallers (骑车人), never in fear of life and limb as one is now. I bought my first bike in 1963. It cost me 150 yuan--in those days three or four months’ salary for the average city dweller.
Such changes! Good or bad Today, cycling is hazardous but bikes are easily affordable. Gone are the old wooden houses I remember in southBeijing and fast disappearing are the small, overcrowded courtyard houses lacking running water, central heating and bathroom. Very manyBeijingers now live in more convenient, better-equipped flats in high-rises.But these very high-rises are swallowing up the unique character of the old city of narrow hutongs, age-old siheyuan and close-knit communities.
I loved years ago to cycle toBeihai to visit my friends (I then taught atChina ForeignAffairs University). In spring I rode through the blue-green wheat fields, in summer through fields of tall maize (玉米). Further west; beyondBeijing Foreign Studies University there were the vegetable fields of theEvergreenCommune (四季青公社) and the rice paddies glistening in the summer sun.But now, asBeijing stretches out further and further, west, east, north, south, there’s decent housing for families, busy offices for employment and large department stores and supermarkets where, if you have the money, there’s little you cannot buy.
What can be inferred about the 1960s according to the passageA.The bikes were more expensive than it is today.
B.People’s salary was very low.
C.Most people could afford a bike.
D.People lived in courtyard houses with very good equipment.


文章第二段指出,作者在1963年买了第一辆自行车,价格是150元,在那个年代是普通市民三、四个月的工资。由此可知,当时人们的工资很低。C项不对,因为从文中得知当时她是与成百人一起骑车而不是与成千人一同骑车,所以可知当时拥有自行车的人是很有限的。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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