

来源:网考网在职申硕英语 所有评论

【单选题】TheEnglish word "veto" means "I will not permit". It is a way for one member of a group or government to (61) action by other members.
For example, the United Nations SecurityCouncil (62) five permanent members, the United States,China,Britain, France and RussiA、 (63) can use the veto to block action by the whole group.Britain and France did this in 1956. They vetoed a resolution (64) Israel to withdraw its forces fromEgyptian territory.
The most (65) use of the veto is by an executive over the legislative in a government with a president. The United StatesConstitution (66) such a veto. The (67) also says a president’s veto can be changed by a second vote ofCongress. This is called overriding the president’s veto. For a bill to become law, (68) of the members of both houses ofCongress (69) vote to override the president’s veto. ThroughoutAmerican history, presidents (70) more than 2 500 congressional bills.Congress has been able to override the president’s veto (71) 104 times. Presidents in the late 1800s and early 1700s did not use the veto frequently.
In the 1940s,President Franklin Roosevelt vetoed more than 600 bills.But he was president for 12 years, much longer than anyone else. More recently, President Ronald Reagan vetoed (72) in his eight years in office.And GeorgeBush vetoed 44 bills in four years.
Today,Congress is approving bills designed to (73) the size and cost of the federal government. PresidentClinton does not (74) all the congressional plans. He has different ideas about (75) parts of government should be cut and by how much. He already vetoed at least one of these bills.
B.All of which


从语法角度分析,本题答案为该句主语。根据前文及常识,可以知道在此充当主语的为上述五国。然后根据选择项一一排查。Both意为“两者都”,用来表达双方的情况,但是,此处有五个国家,因此可以排除选择项A。B.All of which虽然可以用以表示“其中所有的”,但通常用于非限定性定语从句句首,而此处为独立的句子,并非从句,因此选择项B.也可排除。C.very也可以代表全体,但它是形容词,不能做主语。D.Each为代词,意为“每个”,满足了语法和词义两方面的要求,是本题正确答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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