
解析:Ironically, in the United States, a

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【单选题】Ironically, in the United States, a country of immigrants, prejudice and discrimination continue to be serious problems. There was often (1) between each established group of (2) and each succeeding group.As each group became (3) financially successful, and more powerful, they (4) newcomers from full participation in the society. Prejudice and discrimination are (5) U.S. history, (6) , this prejudicial treatment of different groups is (7) more unjust than with blackAmericans.
Blacks had distinct (8) . For the most part, they came to the "land of opportunity" as slaves and were not free to keep their (9) and cultural traditions. (10) mostEuropean immigrants, blacks did not have the protection of a support group; sometimes slave owners separated members of (11) family. They could not mix easily with the (12) society either because of their skin color. It was difficult for them to (13) theAmerican culture.Even after they became flee people, they were still discriminated (14) in employment, housing, education, and even in public (15) , such as restrooms.
A、anywhereB、nowhere C、somewhere

这里nowhere more unjust than with black Americans意为:没有比对美国黑人更不公平的了。从上下文看B的意思最符合题意。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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