
解析:· You will hear part of a conve

来源:网考网商务英语 所有评论

· You will hear part of a conversation between a management consultant and a Training Manager ofAnderson,a chain supermarket,who are talking about the importance of case studies for staff train-ing.
· For each question 23-30,mark one letterA,B、orC、for the correct answer.
· You will hear the recording twice.

Which of the following is NOT true about the narratives in case studies A.The narrative is a story that integrates and summarizes key information around the focus of the case study. B.The narrative should be complete.but it doesn’t really matter if an outside reader fails to un-derstand what happened regarding the case。 C.The narrative could be validated by reviews from programme participants.

本题也是反向选择题,题干中出现了“NOT”,考查的是考生对于案例分析中的叙述部分。在材料中,提到了叙述部分可以被看做是个完整的故事,因此可以排除A项;也谈到了在完成后可以参考参加者的意见或者建议,故排除选项C;至于选项B,材料中是这样表达的“…even an outside reader could understand what happened regarding the case.”也就是说,叙述必须通俗易懂,让外行也能明白,恰好与选项B的表达相反,因此选择B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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