
解析:· Read the article below about

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· Read the article below about the importance of writing job descriptions.
·Choose the best word to fill each gap fromA,B,C, or
· For each question (19-33), mark one letterA,B,C, orD、on yourAnswer Sheet.

D、vAlign=top width="100%"> {{B}}WritingEffective JobDescriptions{{/B}}
A、job description describes the major areas of an employee’s job or position.A、good job description begins with a careful{{U}} (19) {{/U}}of the important facts about a job, such as the individual tasks{{U}} (20) {{/U}}the methods used to complete the tasks, the purpose and responsibilities of the job, the{{U}} (21) {{/U}}of the job to other jobs, and the{{U}} (22) {{/U}}needed for the joB、It’s important to{{U}} (23) {{/U}}a job description practical by keeping it dynamic, functional, and current.Don’t get stuck with an inflexible job description!A、poor job description will{{U}} (24) {{/U}}you and your employees from trying anything new and{{U}} (25) {{/U}}how to perform their job more productively.A、well- written, practical job description will{{U}} (26) {{/U}}you avoid hearing a refusal to carry out a relevant assignment because "It isn’t in my job description. " Realistically speaking, many jobs are{{U}} (27) {{/U}}to change due either to personal growth, organizational development, or the evolution of new technologies.{{U}} (28) {{/U}}job descriptions will encourage your employees to grow within their positions and learn how to make larger{{U}} (29) {{/U}}to your company. For example: Is your office manager stuck{{U}} (30) {{/U}}ordering office supplies for the company and keeping the storage closet well stocked or is he{{U}} (31) {{/U}}and implementing a system of ordering office supplies that promotes cost savings and{{U}} (32) {{/U}}within the organization
When writing a job description, keep in mind that the job description will{{U}} (33) {{/U}}as a major basis for outlining job training or conducting future job evaluations.



[精析] 此处考查的是subject to“经历,遭受”。根据句意“每份工作都会经历变故,或者是个人的发展或者是组织的发展或者是新技术革命”。故选A。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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