
解析:{{B}}How to approach Reading Test

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{{B}}How to approach Reading Test Part Five{{/B}}
·In this part of the Reading Test you read a longer text and answer six questions.
·First read the questions. Try to get an idea of what the text will be about. Then read the text for general understanding.
·Then read the text and questions more carefully. Note all the possible answers.
·Read for overall meaning.Do not choose an answer just because you can see the same words in the text.
·Go back and decide on the final answers.
·Read the article about several companies who are successfully working together.
·For each question 23-28 on the opposite page, choose the correct answer.
·Mark one letterA、B、orC、

{{B}}Local success{{/B}}
{{B}}Working together {{/B}}
Goldlink, a newly-foundedBirmingham-based company which produces designer jewellery, has recently started working with another young local company, Prima, Goldlink commissioned Prima to help it promote the company’s exciting new range of iewellery by designing a new brochure and leaflets as well as designing and building exhibition stands. Gill Smith, Goldlink’s Sales Manager, explained how the relationship with Prima began and stressed how successful it had already been: ’We weren’t expecting to find a local company which would meet our requirements.But then we saw an article aboul companies m the area and Prima sounded as if it’d be just the kind of company we were looking for - even if it is much smaller than com panies we usually work with. Right from the start wa liked the friendly feel of the business and the professional attitude of the staff.
The service Prima provides is excellent. For example, thanks to Prima, we won the award for best trade stand at a recent exhibition. We then got first prize for best product and .Just missed the award for best brochure, That’s how good Prima’s been for us!’
Goldlink and Prima have both received considerable support in their first year of business fromAndy Reilly, a consultant who offers advice to companies in the Midlands. Reilly specialises in helping small firms to secure funding such as Iow-interest bank loans.As a result of the consultant’shelp, ’ the companies applied for and were awarded separate government grants. SamanthaBarry, ManagingDirector of Prima, said that the assistance given by Reilly and his team in working out an appropriate business strategy for the company had been essential in making .Prima such a success. She added: ’We’ve also been having a few problems with our website.Although we’ve done all the design work ourselves, we’ve been really grateful toAndy Reilly for the advice he’s given on structuring the content.’
Reilly says of his work: ’My work is very varied and I get to work with a lot of compames m the area, which I like. What I enjoy even more though is helping companies such as Prima and Goldlink to work to achieve their potential. It’s really rewarding to see small companies doing well, especially when I’ve been working so closely with them.’ For fiJrther information about any of the companies mentioned in this article, call: 01235 434 656.
Why did the managers of Goldlink choose to work with PrimaA、They wanted to work with a local firm. B、They liked working with small organisations. C、They were attracted by the company’s approach.

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