
解析:Success of New Rail Links inEurope

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【单选题】Success of New Rail Links inEurope
TheEurostar company is now running frequent train services using the tunnel built beneath the sea betweenBritain and France. Millions of passengers have already travelled onEurostar trains and there are now twenty services a day between London and Paris and nine between London andBrussels.
Eurostar has already won 40% of all passengers from the UK to Paris andBrussels but further growth will depend on the business market. The early morning departure to Paris is proving popular, especially for business people from London who need to do a full day’s work in the French capital.
However. exactly how many ofEurostar’s passengers are business travellers is unknown. While first-class accommodation has been 70% fill, many of these passengers are travelling on holiday: one travel agent estimatesEurostar has only 20% of the business travel market. Meanwhile, tour operators report a sharp rise in the sale of short trips to Paris. which, they claim, is largely due to the possibility of travelling byEurostar.
AsEurostar increases the frequency of daily journeys over the next year. it will need more business travellers than ever to fill its trains. However, business travel agents feel that some aspects ofEurostar service could be improveD、According to one large business travel agent. "Eurostar’s marketing has been poor and it needs to look more closely at doing commercial deals with large travel agents and corporations to become more attractive than airlines".British travel agents alone are now spending over £1 million a month withEurostar. Naturally, they are expectingEurostar to provide some good deals and flexible tickets.
Eurostar is hoping to attract more customers as it expands its network of services.Already, train journeys between London and Paris stop at a few towns and cities enroute. There will also be daytime and overnight services front eighteen otherBritish cities to Paris andBrussels, and planning is in progress for services from London to cities in Holland and Germany. Soon, many major towns and cities inBritain and otherEuropean countries will have regular direct connections withinEurostar’s network.
The demand forEurostar is forcing airlines to use smaller planes on the London-Paris and London-Brussels service, two of the busiest air routes in the worlD、OneBritish airline reports a 15% decline in ticket sales to both Paris andBrussels. The crucial marketing aspect in business travel is frequency, Rather than cut frequency, airlines have reduced the size of their aircraft to prevent further losses. However, the large airlines will find it easier to maintain their flight schedules by introducing lower capacity planes.Eurostar threatens mainly the smaller airlines, which already have fewer services and smaller planes.
All of the following are travel agents’ suggestions toEurostar exceptA.marketing its service so it can be more competitive than airlines.
B.increasing the frequency of daily journey.
C.updating its image and doing more commercial deals.
D.providing flexible tickets to travel agents.


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