
解析:Why is a "secondary succession" qu

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 Why is a "secondary succession" quicker
A.The ground is more suitable.
B.There is more space for new plants.
C.Birds and animals bring new seeds.
D.It is supported by the forest.


[解析]推理判断题。第四段的中间说:If the land is then abandoned,a secondary succession will take over,developing much faster on the more hospitable soil.(如果这时候土地被闲置,那么第二次更替将会发生,而且在更加适宜的土地上会发展更快。)由此可知,根本的原因乃是土壤较为适宜。B)项“对新植物有更多的生长空间”和D)项“它将由森林来支撑”在文章中都没有提及;C)项“鸟类和动物将带来新的种子”是针对文章中“Shrubs and trees are among the early invaders,their seeds carried by the wind,by birds and lodged in the coats of mammals.”一句设置的干扰项,原文的意思是“灌木和树是早期的入侵者之一,它们的种子被风和鸟带走,降落到哺乳动物的外皮上。”这是讲早期植物发展的一种方式,而非二次更替速度快的原因。 查看试题解析出处>>


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