
解析:Lilly has to get up early and arri

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【单选题】 Lilly has to get up early and arrive in good time because______.
A.she has to study all the poses
B.it takes time for her to get prepared
C.the photographers insist on punctuality
D.no one can do anything until she arrives


[听力原文] 8-10 M: Lilly, what's it like to be a top model W: It's very hard work. Most people think I lead a very glamorous life, but, in fact, I probably work as hard as anyone. M: In what way W: Well, I often have to get up very early. If a photographer wants to use the early morning light, or if we have to get to a particular location, then I must be there in good time. I have to put on the clothes that I'm modeling, and my hairdresser, may need to spend at least an hour on my hair, and then there's make-up to do. M: It must be like being a film actress. W: Very much so, except that I think the work is physically harder. Actors working in films have long breaks between "takes". For me, during a morning's shooting, I may wear a dozen different outfits. And I'm usually moving all the time. Photographers want me to adopt a wide range of different poses. Some of the poses are very unnatural and tiring to hold. M: In what other ways is your life different from that of a film actress W: Well, I don't have to learn lines, though I think modeling does require a certain amount of acting ability. But I suppose the main difference is that, whereas a good actress can have a life-long career, a fashion model is finished by the time she's in her early thirties. M: Have you any ambitions left W: I suppose my main ambition is to stay where I am for a few more years. M: Thank you. 本题测试关于原因的推测和理解能力。根据文中的相关内容,可以推测Lilly需要早到是因为要提前做很多准备,如“put on the clothes”,“to spend at least an hour on my hair”,“make-up to do”等,因此正确答案为B。 glamorous adj.富有魅力的,迷人的 查看试题解析出处>>


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