
解析:A、stroll to school in the morning

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、stroll to school in the morning can help kids prepare for the stresses that await them in the classroom. They’ll have less (62) increases in heart rate and blood pressure when they’re put on the spot. That’s the (63) from a new study by researchers at the University ofBuffalo medical school.
Those researchers (64) assigned a group of kids aged 10 to-14 either to sit in a comfortable chair while watching a slide show of a suburban neighborhood (to simulate a car ride) (65) to walk a mile on a treadmill, wearing a backpack, while the same slide show (66) (to simulate a walk to school).
After that, all the kids were asked to (67) a quick test-the famous Stroop task, (68) you have to read the name of color when the word has been printed in a(n) (69) color. The lads who’d walked a mile showed fewer (70) of physical stress in front of the testers-with statistically significantly smaller increases in heart rate and blood pressure-and gave lower ratings, too, when asked about how stressed they (71) felt.Exercise, it seems, "may blunt children’s cardiovascular (心脑血管的) reactivty when (72) with cognitive stressors during the school day," the researchers says.
How did this happenAccording to theBuffalo researchers, one way that walking exercise may (73) stress-induced cardiovascular reactivity is by altering an individual’s evaluation of stressful stimuli such as reducing the (74) threat of the event.
Getting some exercise, in other (75) may help lads put minor challenges like the Stroop task in perspective, keeping their nervousness (76) check. So, parents, if you do live in an area where it’s (77) for children to walk the streets, don’t be afraid to let your kids walk to school.And don’t forget, either, that there’s plenty of evidence to (78) the stress-busting benefits of exercise for adults as well. You wouldn’t let a family dog stay indoors all day (79) getting out for a walk now and then. (80) yourself some time to get out of the house and the office once in a (81) too.

A、chance B、moment

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