
解析:How Global Warming Works Gases in

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【单选题】How Global Warming Works Gases in theEarth’’s atmosphere act like glass in a greenhouse-trapping heat and making life onEarth possible.But there is a delicate balance.Burning coal, oil and natural gas increases atmospheric concentrations of these gases. Over the past century, increases in industry, transportation, and electricity production have increased gas concentrations in the atmosphere faster than natural processes can remove them leading to human-caused warming of the globe.The Sources Of Global Warming The major source of global warming is carbon dioxide pollution from power plants, auto mobiles, and industry.Another source is global deforestation. ●Power plants are responsible for more than a third of U. S.CO2 emissions, yet there are no caps onCO2 emissions from power plants or any other industry. ●Gas guzzling cars and light trucks are also responsible for a third of U.S.CO2 emissions.Current regulations allow for very inefficient vehicles which spew tons ofCO2. ●Trees remove carbon dioxide from the air as they grow. When they are cut and burned thatCO2is released back into the atmosphere. Massive deforestation around the globe is releasing large amounts ofCO2 and decreasing the forests’’ ability to takeCO2from the atmosphere.Solutions The U. S. , with only four percent of the world’’s population, is responsible for 22 percent of the world’’s greenhouse gas emissions. Fortunately, solutions exist to cut our global warming emissions.Decision makers in the United States should take the following steps. ●Increasing fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks would cut millions of tons ofCO2 pollution as well as decreasing dependence on foreign oil. ●Putting a cap onCO2 from power plants would cut millions of tons ofCO2 pollution as well as decreasing pollution that causes acid rain, smog, and respiratory illness. ●Shifting investment from fossil fuels like coal and oil to renewable energy and energy efficiency would allow cleaner, more sustainable sources of energy to take their rightful place as market leaders. ●Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol would be a modest but important first step to ward international emissions reductions.TheEvidence Recently, alarming events that are consistent with scientific predictions about the effects of climate change have become more and more commonplace. The global average temperature has increased by about 0.5°
C、and sea level has risen by about 10 inches (25cm) in the past century. Official confirmation came in 1995, when the Intergovernmental Panel onClimateChange, an officially appointed international panel of over 2,500 of the world’’s leading scientific experts, found that evidence suggests a human influence on the global climate. The following are events which consistent with scientists predictions of the effects of global warming: ●The past two decades have witnessed a stream of new heat and precipitation re cords. The 10 hottest years on record have all occurred since 1980, the hottest year ever on record is 1997, and the hottest January through July on record occurred in 1998.●Glaciers are melting around the worl
D、Alaska’’sColumbia Glacier has retreated more than eight miles in the last 16 years while temperatures there have increase
A、section of anAntarctic ice shelf as big as theDistrict ofColumbia broke off. ●Severe floods like the devastating Midwestern floods of 1993 and 1997 are becoming more common. ●Infectious diseases are moving into new areas as seen in the recent outbreaks ofDengue fever in Texas and Malaria in New Jersey.The Opposition The GlobalClimateCoalition, a powerful coalition of oil, power, and auto companies has followed the lead of tobacco companies by denying the harm they cause. They have spent millions of dollars trying to discredit the scientific consensus of the IPC
C、and slow steps to combat global warming. The public has not fallen for their deception, b

词汇线索为cars,more efficient,dependent on foreign oil,定位找到小标题solution下面列举点第一点:提高燃油使用效率将能够降低对进口石油的依赖性。发现主语的范畴与题目不符合,汽车效率的范畴大于燃油使用效率,故该题答案为N。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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