
解析:He began working with balloons_____

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】He began working with balloons______.

A.as a relaxation from his work on aircraft
B.as part of his job at the time
C.as a hobby
D.when he heard that some Americans had crossed the Atlantic in one


细节理解题 首先文中提到“Don Cameron's first job was at Bristol Aircraft,where he worked as an engineer.He then had jobs in the steel works at Lanwern and for Rio-Tinto Zine in Bristol,working with computers.”他是一个工程师,他的工作是和计算机打交道,所以可以排除A和B,D选项具有很大的迷惑性,容易误选。文中提到“news of American experiments with hot air balloons crossed the Atlantic”,仔细分析句子结构,会发现该句的主语是news 而非 American,该句意思是“美国人做热气球实验的消息从大西洋彼岸传来”。所以D是对该句话的曲解。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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