
解析:A、He is good at drawing pictures.

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、He is good at drawing pictures.
B.He likes paintings very much.
C.He likes visiting the art museum very much.
D.He thinks the art museum is a very quiet place.


[听力原文] W: Jack seems to be fancy about the art items of painting. On the walls of his bedroom, there are so many famous pictures. Some of them are priceless. M: However, he does not like visiting the art museum because he considers it a noisy place. Q: What can we conclude about Jack from the conversation [试题分析] 总结推论型。 [详细解答] 第一个人说:杰克似乎对绘画艺术非常狂热。他卧室的墙上到处是名画,其中有些价值连城。第二个人说:但是,他不喜欢参观艺术馆,因为他认为那里太吵了。所问问题是:由这段对话,我们可以得出有关杰克的什么结论 然后,我们再根据所听信息,浏览四个选项。只有选项B的意思是“杰克非常喜欢绘画。”与对话内容相一致。故本题的正确答案是B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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