
解析:Zoos have become an important site

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】Zoos have become an important site for the preservation and protection of wildlife resources, (62) those species that are endangereD、 (63) , many zoos displayed live animals for public entertainment. Presently some zoos have become scientific and educational institutions that have (64) to the understanding and conservation of wild animal populations.Among the (65) facing modern zoos are the cost of upgrading old facilities, the struggle to obtain sufficient operating funds, (66) the need to attract more visitors to new and entertaining exhibits.
Many older zoos inAmerican cities have (67) renovation (翻新) during the last decades of the twentieth century.Among the recent (68) in zoo improvement is the construction of new enclosures that (69) natural habitats (栖息地). The replacement of traditional steel bars and concrete floors (70) appropriately designed surroundings improves visitor appreciation of the animals. Such renovation may (71) stress on animals and allow them to interact with one another more (72) .
Several major zoos (73) captive propagation programs.A、captive propagation program includes the breeding of selected zoo or wild animals to obtain offspring, usually for (74) to the wild or for transfer to other zoos.Captive breeding is one method of saving some species (75) extinction.
Zoos have expanded and improved public education programs (76) , with education departments that develop programs (77) to zoo exhibits. Public activities include in-school programs, zoo tours, special events, and websites. The Zoological Society of New York, for example, conducted a major project with a WesternAfrican government to (78) an elephant herd as it moved throughout its range.
The importance of zoos will increase (79) natural habitats are diminishing. Through their efforts in (80) of conservation, education, and environmental advocacy, zoos will continue to play a 81 role in wildlife preservation throughout the worlD、
A、but B、or
C、through D、and

[解析] 逻辑衔接题。本处列举了现代动物园所面临的三个挑战,即更新设备所需资金、动物园正常运转所需资金及吸引更多参观者的必要性。由此可知,此处应填一表并列关系的连词,故[D]and符合逻辑关系。[A]but表示转折关系;[B]or表示选择关系;[C]through是个表示方式的介词。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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