
解析:Taking a standXuemei Han was a seco

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【分析解答题】Taking a standXuemei Han was a second-year graduate student in theDepartment ofEcology andEvolutionaryBiology at Yale University. Last month, she was facing expulsion (开除).Efforts to transfer to the university’’s forestry school had failed, and it looked as though the 26-year-old might have to return toChina within a matter of weeks.In June, Han had been told that she was "not in good academic standing" with her department — an accusation she disputeD、She had passed her qualifying exams at the first attempt and, after a few more tries, her required language exam as well. So she did something that manyChinese graduate students would never dream of doing: on 20 October she filed a complaint against Yale, accusing the university of treatingChinese students unfairly. The onlyChinese student in her department, Han wrote in her complaint that she suspected professors were reluctant to work with her because they thought she would need extra help preparing manuscripts and grant proposals.Her grievance quickly gained a high profile on campus and beyonD、Three other graduate students filed supporting testimonials that detailed problems they had experienced in their departments, and just over half of the 274Chinese graduate students at Yale signed a statement backing her. The case was reported by media in the United States and even made the evening news inChin
A、Within a week, university administrators relented and allowed Han to transfer to the department of forestry, where she had found an adviser willing to support her.Yale flatly denies any accusations of discrimination againstChinese students. Yale spokesman TomConroy said in a statement, "Yale has a long standing tradition of being a welcoming and supportive university for international students, and especially those fromChin
A、"Whether or not it was discrimination, Han’’s story taps into a rarely seen vein of discontent amongChinese students and postdocs (博士后) across the country.Chinese nationals are by far the largest group of foreign academics working in US universities.Between 1985 and 2000, some 26,500Chinese students earned science and engineering PhDs in the United States — more than double the number of students from all of WesternEurope, according to the National Science Foundation.And a recent survey of postdocs by scientific research society Sigma Xi in Research Triangle Park, NorthCarolina, showed thatChinese postdocs tend to work longer hours for less pay than theirAmerican counterparts.Language obstacles and culture shockManyChinese come to the United States to participate in cutting-edge research, but must first overcome language barriers, cultural differences. They frequently feel isolated from their US lab-mates.And although all graduate students are at the mercy of their advisers, foreign students are especially vulnerable. They lack alternative options, so a disagreement or funding problem is all that it takes for them to be sent back toChin
A、The high percentage ofChinese in the lab is no coincidence. US researchers are happy to recruit academically giftedChinese scholars, while the best and brightestChinese are drawn to the country by research opportunities that they cannot get at home.That opportunity is what brought Han from Inner Mongolia to Yale in 2003. She received her undergraduate and master’’s degree in ecology fromBeijing Normal University, but had never travelled outsideChin
A、"Ecology research has only just started inChina, so my professors recommended that I study here," she recalls. She was ecstatic when she learned that Yale had admitted her to a PhD、programme with funding from a Fan Family Fellowship, which supportsChinese students. But shortly after arriving in the United States, Han ran into difficulty. Like manyChinese students, she had studiedEnglish extensively inChina, but that training focused primarily on reading and writing, not speaking. "The first semeste
试题答案:a funding problem/financial problem,a disagreement with their adviser 答案解析:本题根据最后一段而设,根据题日中的Huang可把范围确定在最后一段,根据对该段的理解,我们可确定答案为最后一句中介词(because of)短语中的两个名词短语,但是,一定要把原文中的your改为their,因为原文为直接引语,而题目为间接引语。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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