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[听力原文]29-31 M: United World Colleges. Can I help you W: Yes, I’d like some information about the college, please. M: What would you like to know W: My name’s Julia Harris and I have a friend in Spain who’s interested in applying for a place at one of the colleges. There are one or two questions that she’d like me to ask you. M: Go ahead. W: Thanks. What language is used for most lessons M: Well, the main language of instruction in all the college is English. But at Pacific College in Canada some subjects are taught in French. W: Right. Is it expensive to go to one of the colleges M: Students’ parents don’t have to be rich, if that’s what you mean. There are scholarships for all colleges, but we do ask the parents to pay what they can afford. It’s $ 2400 per year. W: Good. Now she wants to know something about getting into a college. Does she have to get high marks in all her examinations M: Ah, yes, well she will have to do well, but academic ability is not the only thing that’s important. We also look at personal qualities. W: What sort of things do you mean M: Maturity, the ability to get along well with people from different countries, that sort of thing. W: I understand what you mean. The last question is about her other interests. Can she take painting or modern dancing, for example M: Yes, probably. It depends on the staff at the college she enters. Each college has its own special activities, such as theatre studies or environmental work, in which students can take part. W: Good. I think that’s all. Thank you very much for your help. M. You’re welcome. Goodbye. W: Goodbye. 29. Main languages used for normal lessons at Pacific College are. 对话中提到课程一般都以英文教授,但在Pacific College,有些课程用法文授课,由此可见答案是D。另外,可注意当选项中出现both A and B,none of the above类似表达时,答案往往就是此选项。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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