
解析:Through my mom’’s loving words, I f

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【单选题】Through my mom’’s loving words, I found a way back.When you wake up in jail—especially having been raised by God-fearing, hard-working, honest people like my mama and daddy—you know what alone means. You’’ve betrayed who you are, the values you believe in, and the people who gave you everything.At that moment, being a country singer wasn’’t what mattereD、All I could think about was what I was going to tell the Pentecostal (圣灵降临节派的) preacher’’s daughter who brought me up.I woke up on March 15, 2001, on a tiny cot in a jail cell in Nashville, wondering how it all came to this.At 37, I was looking at a sentence of 15 years for felony theft, and by all rights, I should have served it. I was addicted to crystal rnethamphetamine (冰毒), and I’’d been stealing my friends’’ musical instruments and pawning (典当) them to get money to feed my habit. I’’d been caught red-handed (当场) with $ 25,000 worth of pilfered (偷窃的) equipment stacked up in my living room.And I was high as a Georgia pine.Never in a million years did I think I’’d end up behind bars. I’’d had a rocky start in life, and the meth made me feel as if I was on top of the worlD、It beat back all the self-hatred I’’d felt for a very long time.I was given away when I was three months olD、I was born inAlabama, butBarbara andEdBates, who went on to have eight biological children, took me in—even though I had double pneumonia and cigarette burns on my diapers. They lived inColumbia, Miss., whereDaddy was a sharecropper (佃农), and there wasn’’t a lot of money to go arounD、Mama did the best she could, but her idea of a child going to school looking neat was double-knit pants and slicked-down hair. I wore glasses, and to top it off, I was fat. I felt like a geek, and was treated like one too.Then one day on the school bus, my cousin told me I was adopteD、At the age of nine, I felt like an outsider in my own family. Mama tried to make it right. She said, "Out of all our kids, you’’re special, because we got to pick you. God just gave us the rest of these knotheads. "That was her way of letting me know I was really loveD、But I always had a fear of abandonment, and wondered why my birth mother gave me away. When I was 30, I went looking and found her. She told me she wasn’’t positive who my real daddy was, which only reinforced my notion that I wasn’’t worth much. But it also made me want to prove myself wrong. I was 11 the first time I picked up a guitar and 15 when I wrote my first song. My dream was to make it as a country singer, and I spent years playing in bars throughout the South. In my mid-30s I moved to Nashville. After two years of hard work, I somehow managed to get a songwriting deal, and a record label was showing interest in me. Then my wife and I started having marital problems, and we moved to another state. The move was like driving the last nail in the coffin on my dream. It felt as if I’’d given up on myself.One day during a trip I made to Nashville, a friend offered me a hit of methamphetamine from a little pipe. I didn’’t know then that meth is our biggest drug problem in ruralAmerica—that it’’s the easiest, cheapest drug to obtain, and also one of the most addictive. So I smoked it.And that was all that I thought about for the next year and a half. I ended up with a one—to two—gram-a-day habit, at a hundred dollars a gram.When the police arrested me, I looked like death, and didn’’t care. My body was so beat up from doing drugs that my eyes were sunk back in my head, and my teeth and hair were falling out from malnourishment (营养不良)- The first seven days in jail, I just slept, going cold turkey (强制戒毒).When I woke up from the crash on the eighth day, I had never known such shame and guilt. I walked down the hall to the pay phone, dreading every step. My mama is the sweetest soul on the planet, and I knew this was going to break her heart. When I heard her voice I wasn’’t sure I could go through with it,

参见文章第八段“My dream was to make it as a country singer…”,这里的“make it”指“成功”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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