
解析:StatesExperiment with Out-of-Clas

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StatesExperiment with Out-of-Classroom Learning
At the end ofAugust, most of Ohio’s teenagers will shake off their summer- time blues, dust off their book bags, and head back to school.But others might be heading to an internship at a local newspaper or hitting the books for independent study. Some might even stay planted in front of the computer screen.
That’s thanks to the state’s new credit flexibility program, which Ohio is launching for the upcoming academic year. The plan puts Ohio on the front lines of a transition away from a century-old pattern of equating classroom time with learning.But while there’s a broad consensus that that measure, theCarnegie Unit, is due for replacement, no such unanimity (全体一致) exists about the design and prospects for plans like Ohio’s. While most stakeholders agree that it’s theoretically preferable to give students the chance to personalize their education, it remains unclear how effective the alternatives are, how best to assess them, and whether today’s teachers are equipped to administer them.
"Certainly theCarnegie Unit needs undermining," saysChesterE、Finn Jr., president of the Thomas
B、Fordham Institute, a Washington-based education think tank that also runs charter schools in Ohio. "It’s far better to have a competency-based system in which some kind of an objective measure of whether you know anything or have learned anything is better.But by what standard will Ohio know that’s been met "
The Ohio’s program will be among the most sweeping, but nearly half of the states now offer similar alternatives-although in many cases that’s nothing more than allowing students to test out of classes by demonstrating proficiency.A、smaller but growing number of states, from Florida to New Jersey to Kentucky, have begun allowing students to earn credit through internships, independent studies, and the like. It’s a logical extension of the realization that simply being in a seat from bell to bell doesn’t guarantee intellectual development. Students-and their parents-are at least theoretically attracted to the idea of studying what they want, at the pace they want.
Teachers are on board, too. "It really will allow more meaningful experiences for students," says Sue Taylor, president of the Ohio Federation of Teachers, a teachers’ union that participated in designing the program. "Any time a student is able to take the lead or take some charge of some aspect, that student is going to be more motivated and learn something at a deeper level." The motivation will extend to educators, she says: many teachers complain that the controversial NoChild LeftBehind law forced them to "teach to tests," preparing students to pass inflexible multiple-choice assessments, but the new rules should make room for more creativity.
Of course, creativity can’t preclude quality. "The concern is that the advocates of personalization don’t necessarily advocate between good personalization and bad personalization," says Rick Hess, director of education policy studies at the conservativeAmericanEnterprise Institute. "A、lot of these internships end up being time wasters, being silly, being trivial." While individual schools have found success with flexible systems, it’s unclear how they will work when scaled up to apply to entire districts or states. Many states with provisions for internships and independent-study programs are "local control" states, meaning that while the state’sDepartment ofEducation may allow high schools to give students options, the decision about what qualifies as a valid educational experience is left to local authorities. The bar could be set. differently from city to city, school to school, or even teacher to teacher. Ohio, for example, hasn’t offered solid guidelines to districts, although a spokesman says the state will collect data each year on how many students participated and what program they chose in or

[解析] 由题干中的“local control”定位到第6段第5句。 [详解] “地方自治”州意味着,该州的教育部门可能会允许高中给予学生选择权,但是采用何种资格作为有效教育体验的决策权掌握在当局手里。因此,B“地方当局可以制定专门的项目”符合句意。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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