
解析:Which of the following is FALSE ac

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 Which of the following is FALSE according to the passage
A.The IRA will be most beneficial for those who enjoy high salaries and are supposed to fall into the catalog with lower ones after retirement.
B.In the future, capital gains may be taxed at a lower rate.
C.The IRA will be the most advantageous when the holding period is within 18 months.
D.Due to the new capital gains rules, a direct non-IRA investment would be more beneficial for an 18-month holder of IRA.


推理判断题。选项A符合文章最后一句话的内容,选项B对应于第二段第三句内容,选项D符合文章末段倒数第二句内容,选项C与末段第一二句相矛盾,所以选C。 查看试题解析出处>>


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