
解析:Anyone who is (36) in making

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

【单选题】Anyone who is (36) in making friends in cyberspace should consider (37) a(n) (38) account somewhere (39) their personal e-mail address. You never know just who you might (40) while (41) and developing an e-relationship, so it is (42) safer to establish an e-mail account at a remote location that (43) (44) about your geographical location. Later, after you decide that someone is (45) , you can give him/her your (46) e-mail address. (47) , would you give your home address to (48) that you just met
Remember to be careful giving (49) your personal information to anyone that you haven’t verified yet, (50) how well you seemed to have "connected" with that person. Make sure (51) you agree to meet anyone that you have all the facts about him/her, and (52) someone else knows where you are going and who you are going to see.Agree to meet only in a(n) (53) place, and make sure that someone you know has a photograph of the person that you are meeting.Date and (54) fun, but be careful and don’t forget to use (55) sense!

A、up B、in

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