
解析:One day in the dead of winter, I lo

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【分析解答题】One day in the dead of winter, I looked out my back window and saw a chicken. It was jet-black with a crimson wattle, and it seemed unaware that it was in New YorkCity. In classic barnyard fashion, it was scratching, pecking and ducking.
I shrugged off the apparition.Birds come and go. Usually they’re pigeons, not chickens, but like other birds, this one had wings and it would probably use them. Or so I thought.
The protagonist of this story is known simply as the chicken. How it came to a small backyard here, remains a matter of conjecture. The chicken made its first appearance next door, at the home of a multitude of cabdrivers fromBangladesh. My wife, Nancy, and I figured they had bought the chicken and were fattening it for a feast. That hypothesis fell into doubt when the chicken hopped the fence and began pacing the perimeter of our yard with a proprietary air.
Eating it was out of the question.As a restaurant critic and an animal lover, I subscribe to a policy of complete hypocrisy. Serve fish or fowl to me, but don’t ask me to watch the killing. Once I meet it, I don’t want to eat it.
Nancy and I next theorized that the chicken had escaped from a live-poultry market about four blocks away and was on the run. Our hearts went out to the brave little refugee. We had to save it.

试题答案:故事的主人公就叫小鸡。至于它怎么会来到这里一直让人捉摸不透。小鸡第一次出场是在隔壁邻居家,那儿住着许多从盂加拉来的出租车司机。我和我太大南希猜想一定是他们买了鸡,打算养肥了好饱餐一顿。可是后来小鸡跳过篱笆,在我家的后院大摇大摆地巡视,俨然一副主人的架势,我们俩的这种假设也就大有疑问了。 吃掉它 绝不会。我既爱美食,又爱动物,只能采取十足的伪君子政策——鸡鸭鱼肉我都吃,但别让我看见屠宰过程,看了就不想吃了。 于是,我和南希推测,小鸡可能是从四个街区以外的生禽市场跑出来的,属于在逃之列。我们俩从心里同情这个勇敢的小难民。我们得救救它。 答案解析:[难点注释] 这段材料选自The New York Times的Chicken Delight,由于是记叙文体,语言生动、自然,一幅田园画面跃然纸上,因此翻译时语言也无需特别中规中矩,准确把握原意,通顺译出即可。 1.protagonist是指戏剧、故事、小说中的主角,这里翻译成“主人公”更为生动。 2.第二句中的conjecture意为“推测,猜想”,这里remains a matter of conjecture译为“让人捉摸不透”,既忠实于原文,又符合汉语表达习惯。 3.第三句中的a multitude of是“许多”之意。 4.第四句中的figure有不同含义,这里是动词词性,由前面的conjecture和下一句中的hypothesis可以推断这里figure也是“猜测,推断”之意。 5.首段末句为主从复合句,when引导时间状语从句,其中hopped和began为并列谓语。proprietary是proprietor(所有者)的形容词,这里的air意为“神情,神色”,因此a proprietary air可译为“一副主人的架势”。 6.第二段首句中的out of the question是“不可能”之意,注意区分它和out of question(毫无疑问),两者意思截然不同。 7.第二段第二句中的subscribe的常见含义是“订阅”,这里subscribe to意为“同意”。 8.第二段第三句中的serve fish or fowl to me根据上下文意译为“鸡鸭鱼肉我都吃”。 9.末段中的on the run意为“在逃,逃跑”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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