
解析:{$mediaurl} [*] Listen again to

来源:网考网托福 所有评论

[*] Listen again to part of the talk.Then answer the question.
Why does the professor say this:
A.To describe the nutritional benefits of flower nectar
B.To state that birds and their food evolved together
C.To compare the physical structure of birds and plants
D.To explain why birds need variety in their

[解析] Listen again to part of the talk. Then answer the question. "A wide variety of birds are nectar drinkers. These birds prefer the sweet liquid nectar of flowering plants. The co-evolution of birds and flowers has led to specialization, in which the bird’s bill is adapted for the collection of nectar." Why does the professor say this: The co-evolution of birds and flowers has led to specialization, in which the bird’s bill is adapted for the collection of nectar." The professor’s purpose is to state that birds and their food evolved together. Some birds drink the nectar of flowers. The co-evolution of birds and flowers means that birds and flowers evolved alongside each other. (2.3) document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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