

来源:网考网托福 所有评论

【单选题】 The first great collector of Canadian folk traditions was Marius Barbeau, who oversaw the preservation of thousands of texts in what is now the National Museum of Canad
A.Fearing that these traditions would disappear unless gathered and catalogued, Barbeau preserved the folklore and folk songs of cultures ranging from rural Quebec to the Tsimshian Indians of British Columbia. These folkways--songs, dialects, legends, tall tales, riddles, and children's rhymes--were all part of Canada's traditional rural experience. They provided evidence of the everyday life of the people that was far richer than that in most other historical texts.
4. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passageA. There is a lot of information in historical texts, but most of it does not deal with real life.B. Canada's folkways give us a much better description of daily life than most histories do.C. The texts collected by Barbeau reveal that some rural Canadians were richer than others.D. The Canadian people provided a lot of materials that illustrate their traditional values.


They in the highlighted sentence refers to folkways in the previous sentence and is paraphrased in Canada 's folkways provided evidence of the everyday life of the people.., is paraphrased in ...give us a much better description of daily life ...far richer than that in most other historical texts is paraphrased in ... much better.., than most histories do. 查看试题解析出处>>


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