
解析:The current French bestseller lists

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【单选题】The current French bestseller lists are wonderfully eclectiC、In (1) . there is everything (2) blockbuster thrillers toCatherine Miller’s La Vie Sexuelle deCatherine M., a novel which has been (3) praised as high art and (4) as upmarket porn. Then there are novels (5) the sticky questions of good and (6) (LeDemon et Mademoiselle Prym) and faith versus science m the modern world (L’apparition). Philosophical (7) continue in the non-fiction list. (8) this week by Michel Onfray’s "Antimanuel de Philosophic". a witty talk (9) some of philosophy’s perennial debates. Those who like their big issues in small chunks are also enjoying FredericBeigbeder’sDernier Inventaire avant Liquidation. a survey of France’s (10) 20th-century books, (11) with Mr.Beigbeder’s (12) humour from the title on (The 50 books of theCenturyChosen by You andCritiqued by Me),
InBritain. meanwhile, there is olive oil all over the non-fiction list. It’s a major (13) for Nigella Lawson, a domestic divinity and celebrity (14) , whose latest (15) of recipes tops the list.Annie Hawes, in second (16) . took herself (17) to the sun-drenched hills of Italy to grow her own olives and write a book about them as didCarolDrinkwater, just (18) the border in France. Fiction-wise, it’s business as (19) , with the requisite holiday mix of thrillers, romance, fantasy and Harry Potter. with The Goblet of Fire still burning (20) at number three.


从题目开始就穿插着Beigbeder先生的招牌式幽默了。本题测试点为动词的辨析。空格所在句是对前文survey的修饰,所填动词需用被动语态。而空格处应填人“处理;对待”的意思,故排除C“接触;感动”和D“管理”。deal与handle都有“处理”之意,但deal在表此意时需与with连用。注意不要误认为本题中的with是与deal搭配的,实际上这里是handle sth. with sth. 结构的被动形式。例如:handle a tool with ease and skill驾轻就熟地使用工具。故选B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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