
解析:Science fiction has a tendency to b

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【分析解答题】Science fiction has a tendency to become science fact. Something like Hal, the on-board spaceship computer capable of ethical decision making and intelligence inArthurClarke’s 2001:
A、space Odyssey , is being discussed seriously in modern artificial-intelligenceAI) laboratories. (46) That is not to say that computers will evolve exactly asClarke envisioned, any more than propulsion systems developed in the way Jules Verne imagined three-quarters of a century before a rocked sent a spaceship to the moon. (47)However, computer scientists are developing systems that come very close to mimicking parts of human cognition;it seems plausible that something like Hal will be around before you depart from this earth.
(48) Computerized cognition, or artificial intelligenceAI), as it is often called, is broadly defined as that branch of computer science that deals with the development of computers (hardware) and computer programs (software) that emulate human cognitive functions. Cognition involves perception, memory, thinking, language processing and many other related functions which are carried out in a more or less exact way. You can, for example, see and recognize your friend’s face; compose a sensible poem set in iambic pentameter; mentally calculate the most direct route from your home to the college, and distinguish sour milk from fresh milk. We do things like this every day with no effort. We also do a lot of foolish things, such as put shampoo on our toothbrush. We are human and that’s a problem for computers, being perfect machines that never make a mistake, "computer errors" notwithstanding.
If a computer could simulate human thought and actions precisely, then it would be as good as we are in doing the list of things mentioned earlier, but also be just as fallible as we are. (49)It is important to recognize the distinction between those who want to write programs that will perform human tasks well, such as the program we are presently using that draws a squiggly red line under misspelled words and those who aim to clone human thought. Computers and their impressive programs have become such an indispensable part of our everyday life that we wonder how we got along without them—still, they aren’t clever enough to shampoo with toothpaste.
When we discussAI, it is usually intertwined withCognitive psychology and neuroscience. (50) Ideas from one field, for example, neuroscience, might be incorporated into another, for example, artificial intelligence, and yet other ideas from cognitive psychology might be applied to both other areas.All three—AI, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience (especially neuroscience)— build a platform for cognitive science.

试题答案:[译文] 这并不是说计算机将会完全按照克拉克所预见的方向发展,也不是说推进系统像火箭携飞船飞赴月球的75年前朱尔斯·弗恩所设想的那样发展。 答案解析:[解析] 本题考点是多重复合句的翻译,并考查not...any more than...结构以及定语从句的翻译。本句是一个复杂复合句,句子的主体结构是that is not to say...,any more than...,say的后面是that引导的宾语从句,该从句中包含着一个由as引导的比较状语从句。any more than仍然是宾语从句,而且后面所附属的状语成分比较复杂冗长,因此翻译成汉语时需要将意群拆开。 [词汇] 句子中evolve指develop,不能翻译成“进化”;envision的意思是“想象,预想”,相当于后文的imagine;three-quarters of a century翻译成“四分之三个世纪”显然不妥,不符合汉语习惯, 最好翻译成“75年”。 可接受的翻译 不可接受的翻译 not…any more than...:不是……,也不是……;并非……,亦非…… 没有……,也不比……多 evolve:发展,改进 进化 envision:想象,预想,设想,预计 使看得见,看见 翻译实例: 例1:那并不是说电脑将会完全像克拉克设想的那样发展,也不是说推进系统像早在火箭将飞船送到月球之前75年朱尔斯·弗恩所设想的那样发展。 例2:那并不是说电脑将会完全像克拉克想象的那样发展,也不是说推进系统像朱尔斯·弗恩所设想的那样发展,他的设想早在火箭和飞船飞到月球之前75年。 例3:那并不是说电脑将会完全像克拉克所看到的那样发展,也不是说推进系统像朱尔斯·弗恩所设想的那样发展,他看见早在75年前火箭和飞船飞到月球。 例4:那并不是说电脑将恰好像克拉克所看到的那样进化,也不是说人口系统像朱尔斯·弗恩所设想的那样发展,他的设想早在火箭和飞船飞到月球之前75年。 例5:那并不是说电脑一定会进化成克拉克所看到的那样,顶多发展成朱尔斯·弗恩所设想的那种途径,在这个途径中他比别人早四分之三个世纪看到火箭把飞船送上月亮。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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