
解析:{{B}}Directions:{{/B}} Read the fo

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Read the following text.Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and markA,B,C、orD、onANSWER SHEET 1.

Euthanasia has been a topic of controversy inEurope since at least 1936. On an average of six times a day, a doctor in Holland practices "active" euthanasia:{{U}} (1) {{/U}}administering a lethal drug to a{{U}} (2) {{/U}}ill patient who has asked to be relieved{{U}} (3) {{/U}}suffering. Twenty times a day, life prolonging treatment is withheld or withdrawn{{U}} (4) {{/U}}there is no hope that it can{{U}} (5) {{/U}}an ultimate cure. "Active" euthanasia remains a crime on theDutch statute books, punishable{{U}} (6) {{/U}}12 years in prison.But a series of court cases over the past 15 years has made it clear that a competent physician who{{U}} (7) {{/U}}it out will not be prosecuteD、
Euthanasia, often called "mercy killing", is a crime everywhere in WesternEurope.{{U}} (8) {{/U}}more and more doctors and nurses inBritain, Germany, Holland and elsewhere readily{{U}} (9) {{/U}}to practicing it, most often in the "passive" form of withholding or withdrawing{{U}} (10) {{/U}}The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately{{U}} (11) {{/U}}into a sometimes fierce public debate,{{U}} (12) {{/U}}both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness. Those{{U}} (13) {{/U}}to the practice see themselves{{U}} (14) {{/U}}sacred principles of respect for life,{{U}} (15) {{/U}}those in favor raise the banner of humane treatment.After years{{U}} (16) {{/U}}the defensive, the advocates now seem to be{{U}} (17) {{/U}}grounD、Recent polls inBritain show that 72 percent ofBritish{{U}} (18) {{/U}}favor euthanasia in some circumstances.An astonishing 76 percent of{{U}} (19) {{/U}}to a poll taken late last year in France said they would like the law changed to{{U}} (20) {{/U}}mercy killings. Obviously, pressure groups favoring euthanasia and "assisted suicide" have grown steadily inEurope over the years. (272 words)

{{B}}Notes:{{/B}} euthanasia安乐死。lethal致命的。statute book 法典。prosecute 起诉。simmering 处于沸腾的状态。mantle 重任,责任。


[注释] 词义搭配。effect vt.(=bring about;accomplish)产生,引起,实现,完成,例如: effect one’s purpose达到目的;effect cure完成治疗,治愈。affect vt.影响;result vi.(in)导致;(from)起因于。execute vt.(=carry out)执行,实施,常与下列名词搭配:a command,a plan,a will(遗嘱),a piece of work。本句中空格后是an ultimate cure,故选effect符合词义与惯用的原则。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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