
解析:The head of the Library ofC

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The head of the Library ofCongress is to nameDonald Hall, a writer whose deceptively simple language builds on images of the NewEngland landscape, as the nation’s 14th poet laureate today.
Mr. Hall, a poet in the distinctiveAmerican tradition of Robert Frost, has also been a harsh critic of the religious right’s influence on government arts policy.And as a member of the advisory council of the NationalEndowment for theArts during the administration of George H. W.Bush, he referred to those he thought were interfering with arts grants as "bullies and art bashers".
He will succeed Ted Kooser, the Nebraskan who has been the poet laureate since 2004.
The announcement of Mr. Hall’s appointment is to be made by James H.Billington, the Librarian ofCongress. Mr.Billington said that he chose Mr. Hall because of "the sustained quality of his poetry, the reach and the variety of things he talks about." Like Mr. Kooser, Mr.Billington said, Mr. Hall "{{U}}evokes a sense of place{{/U}}."
Mr. Hall, 77, lives in a white clapboard farmhouse in Wilmot, N. H. , that has been in his family for generations. He said in a telephone interview that he didn’t see the poet laureateship as a bully pulpit. "But it’s a pulpit anyway," he saiD、"If I see FirstAmendment violations, I will speak up."
Mr. Hall is an extremely productive writer who has published about 18 books of poetry, 20 books of prose and 12 children’s books. He has won many awards, including a nationalBookCriticsCircleAward in 1989 for "The OneDay," a collection.
In recent years much of his poetry has been preoccupied with the death of his wife, the poet Jane Kenyon, in 1995.
Robert Pinsky, who was poet laureate from 1997 to 2000 said he welcomed Mr. Hall’s appointment, especially in light of his previous outspokenness about politics and arts. "There is something nicely symbolic, and maybe surprising," Mr. Pinsky said, "that they have selected someone who has taken a stand for freedom."
The position carries an award of $35,000 and $5,000 travel allowance. It usually lasts a year, though poets are sometimes reappointeD、
Which of the following ii NOT true ofDonald HallA.His family emigrated to the U. S. decades ago.

B、He is a direct and upright person.
C.He is a powerful person inAmericanCongress.
D.His style of poems follows the traditions ofAmericA、


[分析] 是非题型 选项A中提及Donald Hall的语言是建立在对新英格兰地区风景的描述上的(新英格兰位于美国东北部,是几百年前欧洲移民初到北美时的落脚之地),由此可知他的祖先是移民来的;从第五段最后一句和第八段第一句可知选项B是对的;选项D在第二段第一句中提及;选项C虽在第二段第二句中有所提及,但不准确,因此C为答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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