
解析:Directions: In this part of

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Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2English passages. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE、After you have heard each passage, translate it intoChinese and write your version in the corresponding space in yourANSWERBOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.


试题答案: 答案解析:尊重包含着有钱买不到的价值。尽管有些人的生活并不依赖于此,但有时,甚至是很多时候,当别人有机会自己作决定的时候,此时的判断就源于此了。如果那个人真心地尊重某个人时,他所作的决定就与其不尊重甚至只是客套地表示虚伪的尊重时所作的决定大相径庭了。总而言之,无论是从进化还是从现实的角度来看,尊重都非常重要,也是为什么我们在被 尊重时感觉会更好的原因。 [听力原文] There is a value to respect which money can’t buy. Though someone’s life might not depend on it, there are times, many times in fact, when another person has the chance to make a personal decision—a judgment call. When that person feels sincere respect for someone else, he will make a different decision than if he feels no respect, even if he has customarily shown a false, pseudo-respect to the person. In summary, it is for both evolutionary and practical reasons that respect is important, and also why we simply feel better when we are respected. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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