
解析:The annual consumption ofCoco-Cola

来源:网考网口译笔译 所有评论

【单选题】The annual consumption ofCoco-Cola per capita in the regional markets mentioned in the passage ranks in the following order.
A、RuralChina,Beijing, the United States, Hong Kong.
B、Beijing, the United States, RuralChina, Hong Kong. C、The United States, Hong Kong, Shanghai, RuralChin
A、D、Shanghai, RuralChina, the United States, Hong Kong.

[听力原文] As China’s vast interior gets richer, Grenda Lee, Coco-Cola’s Shanghai-based director of external affairs, finds herself dreaming about tapping the country’s rural market. Chinese peasants account for roughly 70 percent of China’s 1.3 billion people, but on average each drinks only three Coke products a year. That compares with some 60 drinks consumed annually in Shanghai and Beijing, 150 in Hong Kong and 420 in the United States. With so many customers at stake, potential profits take on epic scale. [分析] 数字信息的找寻和判断。 题干要求将原文中提到的国家地区按可口可乐的消费量进行排序。原文中提到人均一年可口可乐的消费量时给予了明确的数字信息,即中国农村为每人3罐,上海和北京为每人约60罐,香港是150罐,而美国是420罐。由此可见,选项c的说法符合原文,是正确答案。 [解题关键] 迅速对数字信息作出反应和判断是解题的关键。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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