解析:It is a well-known fact that there

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【分析解答题】It is a well-known fact that there are constant conflicts among different groups of people, and that people tend to blame their misfortunes on some outside other groups for their misfortunes. What are the causes of group prejudice There seems to be little doubt that one of the principal causes of prejudice is fear: in particular the fear that the interests of our own group are going to be endangered by the actions of another. This is less likely to be the case in a stable, relatively unchanging society in which the .members of different social and occupational groups know what to expect of each other, and know what to expect for themselves. In times of rapid social and economic change, however, new occupations and new social roles appear, and people start looking jealously at eachother to see whether their own group is being left behinD、Once prejudice develops, it is hard to stop, because there are often social forces at work which actively encourage unfounded attitudes of hostility and fear towards other groups. One such force is education: we all know that children can be taught history in such a way as to perpetuate old hatreds and old prejudices between racial and political groups.Another social influence that has to be reckoned with is the pressure of public opinion. People often think and act differently in groups from the way that they would do as individuals; it takes a considerable effort of will, and often calls for great courage, to stand out against one’s fellows and insist they are wrong.
试题答案: 答案解析:众所周知,不同群体之间的人们会不断发生冲突,人们往往把自己遭受不幸的责任归咎于其他群体。产生群体偏见的原因是什么呢 人们似乎并不怀疑,产生偏见的一个主要原因是恐惧,尤其担心自己群体的利益将受到另一群体的威胁。在一个稳定的、相对不变的社会,不可能存在这种担心——在这个社会,不同的社会以及职业群体的成员知道彼此期望干什么,知道自己期望什么。然而,在社会和经济变化迅速的时代,就产生了新职业,出现了新的社会角色,人们开始相互猜疑,以便弄清自己的群体是否落后于其他群体。 一旦偏见产生了,就很难阻止其发展,因为有社会影响力经常在起作用——这些影响力会积极助长对其他群体没有理由的敌意和恐惧态度。其中的一种影响力就是教育:我们都知道,可以用偏见的方式教孩子们历史,从而使种族和政治群体之间的旧仇恨、旧偏见永久化。另一种不得不重视的社会影响力就是来自公众舆论的压力。人们的群体思维和行为方式与个体不一样;如果群体坚决反对某个同胞,而这个人还要坚持已见,这需要极强的意志力,也需要极大的勇气。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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