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【单选题】{{B}}Passage 12{{/B}}

One of the many oddities of migration policy is that immigrants coming in to work permanently are usually a minority of those who arrive legally. Most {{U}} (1) {{/U}} countries admit migrants mainly on grounds that have {{U}} (2) {{/U}} to do with work. They also admit two large groups on grounds that have nothing to do with their skills or education, {{U}} (3) {{/U}} these characteristics may determine {{U}} (4) {{/U}} rapidly they integrate.
Almost everywhere, the biggest group {{U}} (5) {{/U}} relatives of those who have already {{U}} (6) {{/U}}. In the United States they {{U}} (7) {{/U}} three-quarters of all legal {{U}} (8) {{/U}} migrants.America even gives a few visas to {{U}} (9) {{/U}} adult siblings. In parts ofBurope, family reunification has become family formation,{{U}} (10) {{/U}} sometimes delays integration: for instance, it allows third-generation Pakistanis to seek spouses {{U}} (11) {{/U}} their cousins back in rural areas. The policy also {{U}} (12) {{/U}} the characteristics of earlier arrivals. {{U}} (13) {{/U}} migrants are likely to have less educated relatives than are skilled migrants.
InEurope, and especially northernEurope, the other main route of legal entry is to claim asylum. The {{U}} (14) {{/U}} of claims has fallen by half since the early 1990s, partly because peace {{U}} (15) {{/U}} to former Yugoslavia, and partly because of tougher rules, {{U}} (16) {{/U}} still seems to be higher than in the United States.America {{U}} (17) {{/U}} the numbers sharply after the first attack on the World TradeCentre in 1993, mainly by refusing {{U}} (18) {{/U}} asylum-seekers to work or draw any welfare benefits for the first six months of their stay, and by {{U}} (19) {{/U}} the claims process. ManyEuropean countries {{U}} (20) {{/U}} that way.
D.even though


even though(即便),其余选项A.even(甚至),B.though(虽然),C.although(尽管),不符合上下文搭配。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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