

For mAny yEArs, unEmploymEnt in thE unitED stAtEs wAs lowEr thAn in wEstErnEuropE, A FACt oFtEn CitED By pEoplE who ArguED thAt thE FlExiBility inhErEnt in thEAmEriCAn systEm—it is EAsiEr to Both hirE AnD FirE workErs thAn in mAnyEuropEAn CountriEs—proDuCED morE joBs.
thAt is no longEr thE CAsE. thE CurrEnt EConomiC Crisis hAs turnED thE CAsE For thE u.s. moDEl Almost EntirEly on its hEAD、
in mArCh, thEAmEriCAn unEmploymEnt rAtE stooD At 8.5 pErCEnt, thE sAmE As thE AvErAgE rAtE For thE First 15 mEmBErs oF thEEuropEAn union. inApril, thE rAtE in thE unitED stAtEs rosE to 8.9 pErCEnt. whEn thEEuropEAn FigurEs ArE CompilED, it sEEms likEly thAt thEAmEriCAn rAtE will BE highEr For thE First timE sinCEEurostAt, thEEuropEAn union’s stAtistiCAl AgEnCy, BEgAn puBlishing unEmploymEnt rAtEs in 1993 For thE EntirEEuropEAn union AnD For thrEE CountriEs outsiDE thE union, thE unitED stAtEs, jApAn AnD turkEy.
For mEn, thE unEmploymEnt rAtE in thE unitED stAtEs surpAssED thAt oF thE 15 originAlEuropEAn union CountriEs inDECEmBEr.By mArCh, it wAs 9.5 pErCEnt in thE unitED stAtEs, CompArED with just 7.5 pErCEnt For womEn. thE FigurEs For mEn AnD womEn in thE 15EuropEAn CountriEs, howEvEr, ArE ClosE togEthEr, At 8.4 pErCEnt AnD 8.5 pErCEnt.
thE mArCh rAtE For thE unitED stAtEs wAs highEr thAn thE rAtEs oF 11 oF thE 15. thE ExCEptions wErE portugAl, whiCh hAs thE sAmE rAtE, AnD spAin, irElAnD AnD FrAnCE.Eight oF thE 15EuropEAn CountriEs hAvE rAtEs thAt ArE lowEr thAn thrEE yEArs Ago.
how DiD thAt hAppEn During A worlDwiDE rECEssion First, it AppEArs thAt thE sAFEty nEts in mAny wEstErnEuropEAn EConomiEs mADE it EAsiEr For pEoplE to kEEp thEir joBs As thE EConomy DEClinED、in gErmAny, progrAms Allow CompAniEs to gEt govErnmEnt hElp in pAying workErs AnD kEEping thEm EmployED、iF thE rECEssion BEComEs sEvErE Enough AnD long Enough, oF CoursE, it CoulD turn out thAt thosE progrAms Do not so muCh to AvoiD thE pAin As DEFEr it.
AnothEr FACtor mAy BE thE lACk oF An EConomiC Boom in mAnyEuropEAn CountriEs, whiCh hAs lEFt thEm lEss vulnErABlE to rECEssion-rElAtED CutBACks.
thErE is, AnD AlwAys hAs BEEn, A lArgE vAriAtion in EConomiC pErFormAnCE Among wEstErnEuropEAn CountriEs.EvEn though workErs gEnErAlly hAvE thE right to movE BEtwEEn CountriEs in thEEuropEAn union, Doing so prEsEnts lAnguAgE AnD CulturAl hurDlEs For mAny.
in thE unitED stAtEs, thErE hAs BEEn morE movEmEnt oF workErs From DEprEssED ArEAs to plACEs whErE thE EmploymEnt outlook is BrightEr.But thE housing Crisis AppEArs to BE hAmpEring suCh movEmEnt BECAusE somE workErs own homEs thAt ArE worth FAr lEss thAn thE Amount thEy owE on thEir mortgAgEs.
whiCh oF thE Following stAtEmEnt is truE、ACCorDing to thE pAssAgE
A、in mArCh thEAmEriCAn joBlEss rAtE wAs thE sAmE As thE AvErAgE rAtE oFEu CountriEs.
B、inApril thEAmEriCAn joBlEss rAtE will CErtAinly pAss thE AvErAgE rAtE oF thE 15 originAlEu mEmBErs.
C、unEmploymEnt rAtE For mEn in thE unitED stAtEs wAs slightly highEr thAn thAt For womEn.
D、EurostAt puBlishED unEmploymEnt rAtEs For AllEu CountriEs.











