
解析:From: Glenda Hughes To:All Subject:

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【单选题】From: Glenda Hughes
Subject: Training opportunity
Hello everyone,
I’m sending this email out to inform you all of an excellent training opportunity. The professional development team is holding a special workshop on Friday afternoon to which you are all inviteD、The session will cover public speaking skills, discussing basic principles and special techniques that can help people improve their ability to deliver presentations. I know that public speaking can be a difficult challenge for many people. If you’re in that category, then this is an excellent chance to work on an area of weakness.
The session will be led byDane Forbes, a former employee of this company who has set up his own consulting business.Dane has delivered hundreds of presentations over the course of his career, so he brings a lot of knowledge and experience to the workshop. There will also be an opportunity for attendees to discuss their own experiences with public speaking.Attendees should bring along a pen and some paper in order to take notes and complete some basic exercises.
The workshop will take place inConference Room 2 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm on Friday. I hope to see you there.
Glenda Hughes
What are participants instructed to doA.Write about their own experiences
B.Take writing materials to the event
C.Register for the workshop in advance
D.Complete some exercises beforehand


Attendees should bring along a pen and some paper in order to take notes and complete some basic exercises. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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