
解析:Atkins Pilates When considering t

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Atkins Pilates
When considering the most effective way to stay fit, people usually think of jocging, swimming, going to the gym, lifting weights, and so on.Although these exercise methods provide a good workout, they also involve leaving the comfort of your own home. If you have a hard time getting motivated to exercise, and want the freedom to work out in your living room,Atkins Pilates is for you.
Atkins Pilates gets you results without having to use any extra equipment.
Consider the following facts:
*Atkins Pilates exercises provide you with a calorie burning workout that is low impact so they don’t damage your joints.
*Atkins Pilates offers a fun range of activities so you won’t feel bored with the same routines.
*A、rubber mat is the only exercise equipment you need to work out withAtkins Pilates.
*Atkins Pilates exercises can even be done barefoot so you don’t need expensive fool:wear.
*Atkins Pilates is proven to improve your muscle tone, flexibility, and posture.
You will build a leaner and healthier body!
With theCompleteAtkins Pilates Set you will receive:
A、Basic Training Video
20-Minute Refreshing Morning Workout
20-Minute RelaxingEvening Workout
Abdominal Toning
LowerBody Toning
Advanced Training
A、Research Study on Training Videos New research indicates that workouts provided in training videos do not always provide the same calorie-burning efficiency for all users. In the study, researchers assessed the number of calories burned by men and women when they followed the exercise routines on several different training videos. The intensity of the exercise was "basic", "intermediate", and "advanceD、" The following results were produced:
Both men and women burned the most calories when exercising with StepClass vide.os. In contrast, men and women both experienced intermediate results with the Yoga and TaeBo videos.
Regardless of the degree of intensity, men usually burn calories faster than women can because men tend to have a lower proportion of fat to muscle than women, which means they can burn calories quicker.
Before beginning any new exercise program, make sure you consult your doctor first, because some of these exercises may produce muscular and joint-related injuries. Workout Press,April 19
What helps men burn calories quicker than womenA.They often use equipment.
B.They have more muscle.
C.They prefer advanced videos.
D.They train longer.


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