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Questions 186-190 refer to the following fax and memo.

Betlemske namesti 11
198 16 Prague
Tel: (204) 12 44
Fax: (204) 12 45

To:AllBoard Members
From: JarekCichy
Date: November 30, 20
Pages: This + 5
Please review the attached nomination form for our department’s nominee for this year’s awarD、Anezka Novotna is my best staff member and is truly deserving of this honor. I am going to Switzerland next week on business and won’t return untilDecember 13. I will be checking my e-mail regularly while I’m gone, so please e-mail me if you have any questions about this nominee.

To:All department staff
From: JarekCichy
Re:Annual party-please attend!
As usual, theBoard Members are inviting everyone to their annualAppreciation Party held to show their appreciation of the hard work you have all done during the year. This year, as in past years, theBoard Members will give out theEmployee of the Year award during the party.
I would like to especially encourage each of you to attend the party since this year’sEmployee of the Year award will be given to the nominee from our department. In addition to the honor and award she will receive from theBoard, we’re collecting money to buy her a group gift. If everyone contributes just $10, we can buy her the portableDVD、player that she wants. See my assistant,Basia, by Thursday at 4:00 to contribute to the gift. I hope to see you all onDecember 14 at 5:00 P.M.
Why did JarekCichy send the faxA、To invite employees to a party

B、To recommend someone for an award
C、To inform board members of his trip
D、To ask for money for a gift


Jarek Cichy sent the fax along with a form nominating one of his staff members for an award. Choice (A) is the purpose of the memo, not the fax. Choice (C) is mentioned in the fax but is not the reason he sent it. Choice (DI is mentioned in the memo. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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