
解析:Passage 1 Don Lucas grew up in pove

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【单选题】Passage 1 Don Lucas grew up in poverty. His father died whenDon was eight. His mother, with three small children and limited education, was on welfare and had no job prospects. She packed the three kids into an old car and set out from Indiana toCalifornia where she had obtained a job as a supermarket checker.Don enrolled in a high school in a tough part of town. He describes his town as the spot where drive-by shootings were inventeD、Few of his classmates ever went to college, andDon did not think about college until his senior year. He had been working from 4 to 9 pm daily at a gas station helping his family to make ends meet. Don recalled, “One day this great-looking girl walked in. She said she had run out of gas and asked if I could help her. I told her I couldn’t leave the station, but I gave her a gas can. She came back later to return the can, driving her brother’s old car, a classic Ford 3-window coupe.” Don and the girl, Sally, became friends. Sally planned to go to college and urgedDon to do the same, “Had I not met her, maybe I would not have gone on.”But with Sally’s encouragementDon enrolled in a community college. In his first semester he earned eighteen units of straight “F” grades. He had enrolled in a heavy load of courses, was working long hours, had to commute for two hours every day, and forgot to withdraw from some of his classes. Despite this mistake, another college, closer to home, admitted him on probation. “I worked hard on my grades, took the college prep classes, went to summer school to keep up, and Sally made sure I attended my classes.”“I had to get a joB、The only real job I’d had to that point was working in gas stations. I knew cars pretty well, so I tried to get a job selling used cars.” He got the job and sold cars between and after classes. He enjoyed the work so much that after a year he got his own used-car dealer’s license. He and Sally began buying old cars, fixing them up inside and out, and selling them for a profit. Thus beganDon LucasAutomobiles.Don is now founder andCEO of the LucasDealership Group, one of the top fifty multiple-franchise car dealerships in the country. He and Sally have been married for over fifty years. In Paragraph 1, “tough part of town” refers to a(n) ________ place.


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