
解析:According to the passage, which of

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】 According to the passage, which of the following is true
A.Putting fitness programs into effect has been a usual practice for American companies.
B.There is no very convincing evidence to relate fitness programs to increased profits.
C.Being fit is now a requirement for one to apply for a job in an American company.
D.The Fitness program is not so costly as one imagines.


释义题。该题问“以下四个选项哪一个是文章中提到的”文章第四段开始处提到"Even though there is as yet no hard evidence to show the benefits of in-house fitness programs,corporate physical fitness becoming something of an industry in its own right.”(虽然还没有可信的证据表明室内健身计划的好处,公司健身计划就其自身来说正在成为一门产业。)由此可见,[D]与文章意思相符;故,为该题答案。 查看试题解析出处>>


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