
解析:Questions 11-13 are based on the f

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【单选题】Questions 11-13 are based on the following friends’ talk about where to entertain. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11-13. Who isBarbara going to shop withA.Tom.
B.Tim and Mary.
C.Mary and Tom.
D.Tom, Mary and Tim.


[听力原文]11-13 Tom: 4010625 Barbara: Hello, is that you, Tom Tom: Hi Barbara. Have you decided where to go tomorrow Barbara: Yes, that’s right. I want to go to Camden Town to shop. Would you like to go there with me Tom: Yes, I’d love to. That’s a good market. Tim and Mary are here with me now. They want to go there too. Shall we meet at Camden Town Station Barbara: OK. How are you going there Tom: We will go there by bus. It’s only three stops from my place. Well, we might walk there if the weather is fine. How will you get there Barbara: I think I’ll have to take the underground. I’m at Bond Street and I’ll take the Central Line first and get off at Tottenham Court Road. Tom: That’s it. Take the Central Line and get off at Tottenham Court Road. Then you take the northern Line to Camden Town. It’s only about four stops. Make sure you get a northbound train though. You take northbound train to Camden Town. OK Barbara: OK. I think I can find the Way. I have an underground map with me now. What time shall we meet tomorrow Tom: How about ten thirty Barbara: Well, I think that’s a bit too late. It might be crowded by that time. Tom: How about one hour earlier Barbara: Fine. That will be all right. See you tomorrow. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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